Preview pages on your site

Why you need to preview content

Previewing your page allows you to check how your content will look when it’s live without publishing your page. 

This also allows you to check how your page works on different platforms to make sure it meets accessibility needs. Find out how to use components (blocks) on your site in an accessible way.

How to preview content

There are 3 ways to preview content; Desktop, Mobile or Tablet.

To preview your content for Desktop

The edit view automatically shows you the pages in the Desktop view. To see how your page would look when published:

  1. In the left sidebar click ‘Pages’. 
  2. Find the page you want (you may need to click the arrows at the top of the page).
  3. Hover over the page you want to edit and click ‘Edit’.
  4. In the top right of the screen click ‘Preview’
  5. Click ‘Preview in new tab’

To preview your content for mobile or tablet

To view your content as if the user was on a mobile or tablet:

  1. In the left sidebar click ‘Pages’. 
  2. Find the page you want (you may need to click the arrows at the top of the page).
  3. Hover over the page you want to edit and click ‘Edit’.
  4. In the top right of the screen click ‘Preview’
  5. Select which device you want the preview to simulate (tablet or mobile) to display this on the same screen
  6. Click ‘Preview in new tab’ (Optional) 
  7. If you displayed this on the same screen, click ‘Preview’ and then select ‘Desktop’ to go back to the Desktop view