Set up an Preview Environment with Reviewer Role (Optional)

What is a reviewer role?

People who are reviewing the campaign site who are not part of the campaigns team, therefore they won’t have a normal log in. But they still need to see the work in progress on the pages, and therefore need the ability to log in before the site goes live. 

They can do this by using a shared account with reduced rights/ capabilities. This is special account set up per site for this particular role

How to set this account up?

The following steps can only be done by network admins (GDS or GCS)

  1. Go to the Admin Dashboard on the campaign site
  2. Go to users in the Dashboard navigation pane & Click Add New User:
  3. Click on the Role drop next to the  ‘Add new user’  down & select reviewer
  4. Add a generic user name with lower case letters only& add a real user’s email address & tick ‘Skip Confirmation Email’ so that the password can be changed later
  5. Click add new user & you should see a confirmation banner
  6. Then go to edit user in the confirmation banner & Scroll down to set new password
  7. Scroll down to set new password & Following guidance from the NCSC, create a 4x 4 words password & make a note of it.
  8. Then click update user. You should see a new banner confirming user’s been updated. 

You are now free to share the account with the relevant colleagues, they will be able to log in with that.

Once the site goes live, reviewers are no longer able to log in, so it is recommended that the review accounts are deleted at that point to keep the users tidy.