Set up your site for SEO and social media using Yoast

The platform allows you to configure how links to your site appear in search results and on social media such as Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Signal, and also appearance in emails. 

You need to set these up for all pages on your site – not just the Home Page.

A general metadescription should be done for the Home Page, and then tailored metadescriptions should be done for every sub-page depending on the different content on each of the pages.

For the social cards : you could either use a single universal card that represents the entire site and pages, or you could try tailored cards for some/all of the sub pages.

Set up search page meta descriptions

To set up the description which appears for your home page in search results (Image 1):

  1. Click the ‘Pages’ button in the left sidebar.
  2. Look for the page with ‘Front Page’ to the right of the tile and click ‘Edit’.
  3. If you can’t see the right settings sidebar, click the red and green ‘Yoast SEO’ button on the top right toolbar. 
  4. Click the edit icon next to ‘Google preview’, which shows a preview of how it will appear with the page’s name and your site’s name (title).
  5. Enter your site description in the ‘Meta description’ box (up to 155 characters to display correctly).
  6. Click ‘Return to your page’.
  7. Click ‘Update’ in the top right to save your changes.
How the ‘Help for Households’ home page link appears on search results. It shows the page’s name and your site's name (title) with the meta description in smaller text below. The user’s search term has been highlighted in bold.
Image 1: how the ‘Help for Households’ home page link appears on search results. It shows the page’s name and your site’s name (title) with the meta description in smaller text below.

Set up Twitter cards for your pages

If you paste your url into Twitter you can set this up to display an image, link and description

The image you use must be:

  • in .gif, .jpg or .png format
  • at least 600 by 335 pixels
  • a maximum of 800 by 418 pixels (recommended)

To set up a Twitter card for your home page with an image and a text summary (Image 2):

  1. Click the ‘Pages’ button in the left sidebar.
  2. Look for the page with ‘Front Page’ to the right of the tile and click ‘Edit’.
  3. If you can’t see the right settings sidebar, click the red and green ‘Yoast SEO’ button on the top right toolbar. 
  4. Click ‘Select Image’ and upload your image.
  5. Click the edit icon next to ‘Twitter preview’.
  6. Enter a title for your Twitter card in the box beneath ‘Twitter Title’ (up to 55 characters to display correctly).
  7. Enter a description for your Twitter card in the box beneath ‘Twitter description’ (up to 125 characters to display correctly).
  8. Click ‘Return to your page’.
  9. Click ‘Update’ in the top right to save your changes.
How the ‘Help for Households’ home page link appears on Twitter with an image, title and description. The image appears first, then the link url appears in grey, then the title appears beneath it in black text. A summary appears in grey beneath the title.
Image 2: how the ‘Help for Households’ home page link appears on Twitter with an image, title and description.

Set up OpenGraph for other social media pages

If you paste your url into social media like Facebook or WhatsApp you can set this up to display an image, link and description.

The image you use must be:

  • in .jpg or .png format
  • at least 200 by 200 pixels
  • a maximum of 1200 by 630 pixels (recommended)

To set up an OpenGraph card for your home page with an image and a text summary (Image 3):

  1. Click the ‘Pages’ button in the left sidebar.
  2. Look for the page with ‘Front Page’ to the right of the tile and click ‘Edit’.
  3. If you can’t see the right settings sidebar, click the red and green ‘Yoast SEO’ button on the top right toolbar. 
  4. Click ‘Select Image’ and upload your image.
  5. Click the edit icon next to ‘Facebook preview’.
  6. Enter a title for your Facebook card in the box beneath ‘Facebook Title’ (up to 60 characters to display correctly).
  7. Enter a description for your Facebook card in the box beneath ‘Facebook description’ (up to 90 characters to display correctly).
  8. Click ‘Return to your page’.
  9. Click ‘Update’ in the top right to save your changes.
How the ‘Help for Households’ home page link appears on Facebook with an image, title and description. The image appears first, then the link url appears in grey, then the title appears beneath it in black text. A summary appears in grey beneath the title.
Image 3: how the ‘Help for Households’ home page link appears on Facebook with an image, title and description.

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