How to use a Paragraph block

A Paragraph block lets you add written text to your page.

How to use a Paragraph block

The content of your campaign should follow the guidelines about how to write content for GOV.UK.

You should not use formatting to emphasise information, as this breaks accessibility guidelines. Formatting choices can make your content more interesting, but be consistent with your choices: users can find it disorientating and confusing if you switch between different sizes of text, font or colours. Find out more about how to design content to meet the needs of neurodivergent users.

Do not use bold or italics to emphasise information as this is inaccessible. Instead, you may want to use a Quotes block or use a Highlights block to do this.

If you need to add a title to your campaign site use a Heading block.

If you want to add a link for users it should be added in context in the text, at the point in the content where it’s useful. To meet accessibility guidelines, this should:

  • use link text which is descriptive and front-loaded with relevant terms (for example, ‘find out’, ‘check’, ‘apply’
  • not use formatting to highlight (for example, bold)
  • use the same link text if the multiple links on a page go to the same url
  • be more than one word
  • be explicit if it goes to an external page (for example, ‘Find out how to get a campaign (on the GCS website)‘)

Find out how to write an effective and accessible link.

How to add a Paragraph block

To add an Paragraph block to your page:

  1. Click the plus (‘+’) button to add a block to your page.
  2. Type ‘Paragraph’.
  3. Click the ‘Paragraph’ option.
  4. Type the text you want to include on your page. 
  5. If you want to add a link, click the text and select ‘Link’ from the context menu – Find out how to write an effective and accessible link.
  6. Click ‘Open in a new tab’ if you want the button to open in a new tab (it will turn blue when selected).