How to use a Quote block

A Quote block lets you highlight a specific quote or phrase for users, for example:

That’s one small step for a man, a giant leap for mankind.

Neil Armstrong

How to use a Quote block

Consider if you need to use a Quote block, as research has shown it might be missed by some users. It may also be difficult for some voice assist software to interact with. 

You can’t change the size of the text.

The quote may display oddly in the editor window, but will display correctly when the page is previewed or published. 

How to add a Quote block

To add a quote block: 

  1. Click the plus (‘+’) button to add a block to your page.
  2. Type ‘Quote’.
  3. Click the ‘Quote’ option.
  4. Add the text for your quote in the ‘Type’ section.
  5. Add the source in the ‘citation’ section.